KERKKÄ Spruce Sprout Powder (40 g)


Spruce sprout (kerkkä) powder is a natural vitamin booster to keep the flu and tiredness away. Make sure to smell the jar first. The stunning aroma makes you feel like you were in the forest yourself!

Spruce sprouts are the very first spring treats in the forest. In the old days, they have been used to cure many a disease. Even today, spruce sprout powder is a great help to boost the immunity.

In addition to vitamin C and antioxidants, spruce sprouts are very antibacterial. They reduce inflammation in the body and can also be used for dental hygiene.

1 teaspoon per day mixed with water, tea, smoothie or yogurt (flavored with a little bit of honey if you wish) not only tastes good but also makes you wanna fly!

You can also make delicious spruce sprout latte by heating (oat or almond) milk, adding 1 tsp Kerkkä and 1 tsp honey.

Warning: Pure and intensive aroma flavoured by the midnight sun may be too much especially if you are used to products with e-codes and additives.

Weight 0.04 kg

8 in stock